Henderson Industrial/Commercial Development
on 8/29/2019
Buildings & Sites
Henderson Industrial/Commercial Development
At 2332 Henley Ave. Independence, IA 50644 sits a ready-to-develop 178-acre site with much of the underground infrastructure in place. Additionally, preliminary roads and construction pads have been established throughout the property.

A 24,105 sq. ft. industrial building with 20' clearance is included on the property. The building or individual sites may be purchased separately. The property is zoned industrial, in city limits and is located immediately next to the 5,000 foot Independence municipal airport. A 250,000-gallon water tower is located next to the property.

The site is located on 4-lane U.S. Highway 20 and fifteen miles from I-380. These excellent transportation routes provide easy access to I-35, I-80 and the Avenue of the Saints. You can easily reach your customers and suppliers. The property was originally developed as an industrial site by Monsanto Corporation, but changing international markets prevented completion of the development. Click here to see information online.

- buildings
- industrial site