Business as Usual… during Unusual Times
on 9/22/2020
Featured Articles

Like many communities throughout Iowa, the Cedar Valley has experienced its share of challenges due to the economic impacts of Covid-19. While we have become familiar with the daily stories of unemployment, businesses closing doors and the strain on local economies, the Cedar Valley remains united, adaptable, and resilient.
You don’t have to look far to witness the steadfast nature of our businesses, entrepreneurs and employees in the Cedar Valley. In this edition, you will see communities carrying out their planned infrastructure projects, conducting workforce training, completing transportation projects, and providing business support. For many in the Cedar Valley, you could say it’s business as usual… during unusual times.
Projects to improve technological infrastructure, like the new municipal utility plant in New Hampton, are underway. This $22.5 million municipal investment boosts connectivity which is needed more than ever in today’s economy. It also buries many overhead lines, mitigating the impact of powerful storms to residences and businesses.
Partnerships and problem solving continue to be Cedar Valley traits. In rural Shell Rock, four companies came together to create an internationally focused intermodal facility, with the support of the Butler-Grundy Development Alliance. The new facility provides a more efficient way for Midwest Iowa industries to transport goods to the global marketplace.
Looking to other towns, new small businesses are finding ways to open doors. Cheers to Allerton Brewery in Independence, Iowa who anticipates opening this fall. The business benefitted with the support of a low interest loan from Buchanan County Economic Development Commission.
The Cedar Valley continues to be tuned-in to the needs of businesses and employers. Hawkeye Community College recently announced their new Industrial Jobs Training program which is being offered to businesses to help them attract and prepare employees. The effort speaks to the regional commitment to diversify the skills of our workforce and meet the needs of businesses.
All around the Cedar Valley, Iowans are coming together. Check out more stories at #IowansUnite
- livethevalley
- quality of life
- workforce