Live the Valley
on 9/19/2018
Featured Articles
Cedar Valley Regional Partnership Showcases How to “Live the Valley”
The Cedar Valley Regional Partnership has been working to enhance “Live the Valley,” a talent attraction and retention initiative that shares the Cedar Valley’s competitive career landscape, culturally-rich quality of life, and affordable cost of living.

The integrated initiative is centered on a revamped website,, which highlights the quality of life in the Cedar Valley by showcasing the region’s recreational amenities, culinary diversity, accessibility to educational institutions and family-friendly activities, as well as the availability, variety and affordability of housing. Additionally, features a user-friendly job board — no registration required — that allows job seekers to explore opportunities in the Cedar Valley.
As a companion piece, Live the Valley magazine further highlights life in the Cedar Valley and offers a resource for people moving to the region for the first time, returning to the area or already living in the Cedar Valley and looking to explore it further. Local recruiters can use the magazine, available in print and online, to attract talent to the area.
The Waterloo-Cedar Falls metro was named among the top ten job markets in the nation according to Zippia. Iowa was ranked third on a list of the top ten most affordable states by US News & World Report. With such national accolades, the question becomes, “Why not the Cedar Valley?” “Live the Valley” helps to spread this message to fuel the talent needs of existing and future Cedar Valley businesses. All avenues of marketing and outreach will support the website and magazine, including social media, digital advertising and additional print publications.
“Live the Valley” is supported by the Cedar Valley Regional Partnership, made up of Buchanan Economic Development Council, Butler-Grundy Development Alliance, Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber, Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, New Hampton Economic Development and Waverly Economic Development.
- livethevalley
- quality of life
- workforce